
…the noises that unicorns make…

I live in Felixstowe on the east coast of England with my husband and cats. I have been painting for a few years now and over time my work has become more abstract, although sometimes influences from the landscape do creep in.

I am fascinated by colour relationships, and more recently I have been painting entirely from the imagination producing mindscapes (rather than landscapes). I am looking for an extra dimension beyond the reality in front of us. I work in layers and experience a push and pull dynamic with the painting until eventually the painting wins and takes on a life of its own. It’s as if the painting chooses you. I paint primarily in acrylic, mostly because I’m impatient and acrylic dries quickly, and it means I can apply multiple layers.

To see my paintings click on collections or go to the menu at the top or you can access individual collections through the following links (click on the image to bring up its details):

  • Relics of the Mind” is inspired by the realisation that some of my paintings were possibly influenced by structures I had seen previously, e.g. rotting jetties and other dilapidated structures. These aren’t direct representations of any particular structures, they could be from a distant memory, but mostly they are invented.

  • The Art of Noise” is a collection describing what noises made by different creatures (real or otherwise) might look like if they were colours. There is no scientific basis or fact about this project, these depictions are made up.

  • To Boldly Go” is a spin off from my To Infinity and Beyond collection. It is about space, outer space, physical space and emotional space, and the translation of that into colour, and of course an opportunity to connect concepts with narrative.

  • To Infinity and Beyond” is about exploring the endless possibilities with colour and space.

  • Two Stops Short of Dagenham” is a story about the funny things that people say, which in context may make sense, but once taken out of context they seem incongruent and non-sensical. These are sayings that I’ve heard in passing or in conversations, on the TV and may have even said myself… This collection is part archival, part illustrative, part observational, but don’t expect it to make any sense…

Studio Visits

Studio visits are available all year by appointment. You are also welcome to view a painting you have seen online before committing to a purchase. Please contact me to make arrangements.

Note - all images on this site are copyright protected and may only be reproduced with my permission. Please contact me for further information.